The Full Aromatherapy
Frequency (AromaRife) Series !
Aromatherapy Frequency
downloads designed to recreate the healing power of the
aromatherapy oil. The classic healing ability of the
aromatherapy oil has been recreated using the correct audible and sub
frequencies. The
energetic vibrations from the oils can be used to re-align and
direct the flow of energy within the physical, emotional,
mental, and spiritual bodies, returning them to a state of health and
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have made a great choice in signing up for the Aromatherapy Frequency
downloads and it is not going to cost you anything :)
did you know that the full series of Aromatherapy Frequency downloads
can also help you to
treat; bronchitis,
colds, mental fatigue,
migraine, rheumatism, sinus congestion, acne,
psoriasis, cold sores, colitis, digestive problems,
headaches, indigestion, rheumatism , asthma,
depression, muscle cramps and spasms, PMS relief and much , much more
So How Does These Products Work ?
What makes them Absolutely Unique ?
shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any known
natural substance. They start at 52 MHz for Bergamot Oil and
go as high as 320 MHz for Rose Oil. The frequencies of essential oils
have the ability to help restore and/or maintain a person's own
frequency for optimal health, creating an environment in which microbes
can't survive. We have incorporated harmonics of these frequencies into
our aroma oil compositions.
Frequencies: Royal
Rife discovered a number of frequencies that he used to destroy micro
organisms and treat disease. Some of these frequencies have been
incorporated into the aromatherapy frequency sets.
Frequency: Each
aroma oil composition contains a Solfeggio 528Hz harmonic. This
frequency has been used to repair DNA and body function at a cellular
Entrainment: This
is a process that changes brainwave activity to more beneficial
frequencies. We have included 2 levels of brainwave entrainment in each
of the aroma compositions. The first is an isochronic (no headphones
required) beat to induce a deep alpha state. The second is a delta wave
binaural (will need headphones) specifically designed to stimulate the
pituitary gland. This binaural has been used to stimulate HGH and help
in cases of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.
This Could Be The ONLY
You See
This Offer!
take a look at the products you'll be
able to download in this package . . .
Frequencies #1 - Basil,
Bergamot, & Chamomile
These Aromatherapy Frequencies can be used in
any situation where you need to remove congestion, increase relaxation
and ease stress
Use Basil Oil
Frequency to
treat; bronchitis, colds, mental fatigue,
migraine, rheumatism, sinus congestion
Use Bergamot
Frequency to
treat; acne,
abscesses, boils, cold sores,
cystitis, halitosis, itching, oily skin, psoriasis.
Use Chamomile
Frequency to
treat; acne, colitis, digestive
problems, headaches, indigestion, rheumatism
27 of the Aromatherapy Frequency compositions in one download
Frequencies #2 - Clary
Sage, Clove, & Cypress
These Aromatherapy Frequencies can
be used for muscle and joint pain, congested breathing and
general swelling
Use Clary Sage
Frequency to
treat; asthma,
depression, muscle cramps and spasms, PMS relief
Use Clove Oil
Frequency to
treat; bronchitis,
colds, indigestion, mouth sores, muscle and nerve tension
Use Cypress
Frequency to
treat; asthma,
bronchitis, cough, edema, hemorrhoids, menopause, rheumatism
27 of the Aromatherapy Frequency compositions in one download
Frequencies #3 - Eucalyptus,
Frankincense & Geranium
These Aromatherapy Frequencies can
be used to ease inflammation and soothe aches and pains
Use Eucalyptus
Frequency to
treat; asthma,
bronchitis, flu, headaches, muscle aches, rheumatism, sinusitis
Frankincense Oil
Frequency to
treat; asthma,
bronchitis and colds, respiratory conditions
Use Geranium
Frequency to
treat; burns,
eczema, edema, PMS symptoms, rheumatism, tonsillitis
27 of the Aromatherapy Frequency compositions in one download
Frequencies#4 - Ginger,
Jasmine, & Juniper
These Aromatherapy Frequencies can
be used for improving circulation and reducing anxiety
Use Ginger Oil
Frequency to
treat; arthritis,
bronchitis, colds, flu, indigestion, poor circulation and sinusitis
Use Jasmine
Frequency to
treat; anxiety,
cough, headache, mental tension and sensitive or dry skin
Use Juniper
Frequency to
treat; acne,
cellulite, dermatitis, gout, muscle aches and pains and ulcers
27 of the Aromatherapy Frequency compositions in one download
Frequencies #5 - Lavender, Lemon
Grass, & Lemon
These Aromatherapy Frequencies can
be used for colic and indigestion, insomnia and helping with
Use Lavender
Frequency to
treat; acne,
colds, flu, headaches, insect bites, insomnia, muscle aches and pains,
PMS symptoms
Use Lemon
Grass Oil
Frequency to
treat; colic,
fatigue and indigestion
Use Lemon Oil
Frequency to
treat; cellulite,
circulatory problems, cold sores, gingivitis, headaches, varicose veins
27 of the Aromatherapy Frequency compositions in one download
Frequencies #6 - Marjoram,
Myrrh & Neroli
These Aromatherapy Frequencies can
be used to ease aching muscles and joints and boost the
immune system
Use Marjoram
Frequency to
treat; arthritis,
bronchitis, colic, constipation, insomnia, PMS symptoms, sinusitis
Use Myrrh Oil
Frequency to
treat; arthritis,
bronchitis, colds, cough, digestive problems and immune system
Use Neroli Oil
Frequency to
headaches, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, nervous tension
27 of the Aromatherapy Frequency compositions in one download
Frequencies #7 - Orange,
Patchouli & Peppermint
These Aromatherapy Frequencies can
be used to help with low libido, insomnia & depression
Use Orange Oil
Frequency to
treat; anxiety,
cellulite, depression, insomnia, nervous tension, respiratory conditions
Use Patchouli
Frequency to
treat; cellulite, depression, eczema ,
low libido, scar tissue and water retention
Use Peppermint
Frequency to
treat; asthma,
bronchitis, colic, headache, migraine, muscle and joint pain, nausea
27 of the Aromatherapy Frequency compositions in one download |
Frequencies #8 - Rosemary
& Rose
These Aromatherapy Frequencies can
be used to help with eczema and digestive problems
Use Rosemary
Frequency to
treat; cellulite,
colds, digestive problems, fatigue, flu, gout, liver and gall bladder
Use Rose Oil
Frequency to
depression, eczema, frigidity,
mature skin, menopause, stress
27 of the Aromatherapy Frequency compositions in one download
Frequencies #9 - Sandalwood
& Tea Tree
These Aromatherapy Frequencies can
be used to help skin conditions & anxiety
Use Sandalwood
Frequency to
treat; anxiety,
fatigue, impotence, immune system, skin conditions, urinary infection
Use Tea Tree
Frequency to
treat; age
spots, athlete's foot, fungal infections, itching, urinary tract
infections, warts
27 of the Aromatherapy Frequency compositions in one download
right, you get everything you see here . . . everything you need to
turn your life into anything you want it to be.
Aromatherapy Frequency package would normally sell for $199.95
But if you
take advantage of this today, you won't pay anywhere near
that. You can get all 27 products for the amazing price of $27!
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One Time Offer - that means once you leave this page, you won't see
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You can get all 27 products for the amazing price of $27
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Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to
accurately represent our product and it's potential. The
testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply
to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee
that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. |