Ready to profit
from email marketing?
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"New Resource Reveals
he Amazing
Secrets Behind The Net's Most Successful Email Campaigns"
Yours For Only $9-95 - The Greatest Collection
of Moneymaking Emails Ever (Plus You Get The Rights
to Sell This New Resource and Keep ALL the Profits!)
Fact: Jupiter Communications reports that email
marketing will become a $7.3 billion business by 2005.
Fact: Over 50% of consumers will be communicating
via email by 2001 according to Forrester Research. eMarketer
reports that by year-end 2001, there will be 111 million
email users.
Fact: Email volume has already eclipsed postal
Dear Internet Friend,
It's amazing!
The power of email marketing is truly the "killer app" of the
Internet. If you dropped me anywhere in the world with just a
dial-up connection, I guarantee that within 24 hours I could generate
an immediate cash surge for you.
Just by sending out a simple email.
It's true. And it doesn't matter if your business is online or
off. Simply put, once you know the secret of using email marketing
- it's literally like having the power to create cash on demand.
Imagine, anytime you need more money, you just hit SEND!
Click…Send…Make Money!
Frankly, I didn't believe it either until I witnessed results
like these from my own email marketing campaigns:
- $9,188.00 in profits in 72 hours
- $15,558.81 in less than 3 weeks
- $15,400.00 in 14 days
No wonder I love email marketing and who wouldn't when you consider
all these incredible benefits:
Results. Minutes after sending out your email campaign you
can start seeing responses and orders.
Low cost. No printing, no postage, no mail house charges.
Email is nearly free to send out!
Testing on the go. How fast do you want to see results?
Instead of waiting weeks for responses and test results - you'll
have them in hours. Now, you can make smarter decisions sooner.
Quick to create. You could whip out an email in just an
hour or two as opposed to weeks in the "offline" world.
High response rates. It's not unusual for email campaigns
to get 5%, 10%, 15%, even 50% response rates. Something that's
almost unheard of in direct mail.
But before you go off thinking email marketing is some walk in
the park - there is one big, glaring problem you need to face…
The Truth About Spamming and Opt-in Email
If you've been on the Net for anytime, I'm sure you've heard
of spam. That's the name for unsolicited commercial email. Mostly
the kind of "get rich quick" and "send me a dollar" pyramid schemes
that find their way into your inbox. Many short-term minded marketers
feel that since email is practically free they can send out thousands
and thousands of emails hoping for a handful of sales while dealing
with the risks involved. I don't think that's a good idea.
You see, there is a big difference between permission email marketing
and spamming. I'm not talking about using software that can harvest
emails addresses from the Web or even those CD-roms with "10 million
email addresses" floating around. The fact is, without getting
permission you are just sending out spam and that will land you
in some big trouble. I've seen sites shutdown, ISP's cancelled
and people basically being "blackballed" from the Internet community.
Trust me, it's not pretty.
In fact, there is new legislation pending that will make spamming
illegal. So not only will you have all kinds of angry prospects
- but you could also end up with severe penalties against you.
Why would you want to put yourself through any of that?
There's no point because getting permission is easy once you
start using the strategies I'll tell you about in a moment, plus
it produces better results. Now that we got that cleared up…
Do You Know What It Takes
To Write a Winning Email?
If you don't, you're not the only one. For most people drafting
an email message that convinces people to part with their hard-earned
money isn't as simple as it looks. Most people just don't know
where to start, what to say, when to send it, how to not get accused
of spam, how to make sure their message gets read, how to ask
for the order, or any other number of variables that mean the
difference between success and failure.
But, now there's good news!
There's a new resource that will help you create your own successful
emails - and it's called…
"Million Dollar Emails: The Greatest Collection of Moneymaking
Emails Ever!"
"Million Dollar Emails" is a new ebook that contains some of
the most successful and persuasive emails ever written. It's jam-packed
with real life emails that have been proven to work by the top
Internet Pros and eCommerce leaders.
And, here's the best part, in many of the examples, you'll see
the exact numbers and results from their campaigns. Response rates,
sales figures, and other insider information all culled from their
private records. This information has been totally confidential
- until now.
I couldn't believe the caliber of experts and corporations we
got to step forward to share their winning examples, contributors
- Corey Rudl ( www.marketingtips.com)
Corey is one of the top Internet marketing minds on the planet.
His 4 online businesses get over 500,000 visitor EACH MONTH
and do over 5.2 million dollars in sales online every year.
Corey lets you in on a simple email that brought in over $400,000.00
in revenue.
- Stephan Mahaney (www.searchenginehelp.com)
Stephan really spills the beans about an email message responsible
for over $800,000 in sales. (Which doesn't even take into account
the still ongoing renewals, affiliate sales, and new sales that
are still being built on the foundation of this one email sales
campaign). This email was the cornerstone of what is now a multi-million
dollar business. Wow!
- Logos Research Systems Inc. (www.logos.com)
This electronic-book publishing company gives you the low-down
on an email that sold $300,000 of a product with a special pre-publication
offer (more than enough to pay for the costs involved).
- Joe Vitale (www.hypnoticwriting.com)
Joe is heralded as one of the world's top direct response writers
and a master at hypnotic writing. You'll see a collection of
some of his best work as he takes you behind the scenes of several
emails responsible for $68,500.00 in orders.
- Michael Campbell (www.searchenginecommando.com)
Michael is one the top search engine experts and author of "Nothing
But Net". Michael shares several winning email examples and
how he was able to get a 68% response and over $10,000.00 just
by asking one simple question.
- Allen Says (www.thewarriorgroup.com)
Allen is the founder of one of the largest member's sites on
the Web. He reveals a simple email that netted him $15,000.00
on a Sunday.
- Bob Gatchel (www.internetcheapskate.com)
Bob is infamous for his "cheapskate" Internet marketing style.
He'll be sharing exactly how he made over $30,000.00 in one
weekend, selling a product he didn't own and never touched,
all while sitting naked in his hot tub with his wife. (You've
got to read this one to believe it!)
- Robert Allen (www.multiplestreamsofincome.com)
NY Times, best-selling author Robert Allen showcases an email
that drove his new book from #450 on Amazon.com to the #2 spot
in just 24 hours.
- Vail Resorts (www.snow.com)
Vail Resorts, comprised of word famous Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge
and Keystone resorts in Colorado, lets you in on exactly how
they implement their offline and online email collections along
with incredible results at minimal costs. ($179,987.00 in directly
traceable sales.)
And, that's still just the tip of the iceberg because I also
managed to track down even more proven examples from experts like:
- Jonathan Mizel
- Jeff Paul
- Marty Foley
- Scot Dantzer
- Jimmy D. Brown
- John Harricharan
- Marc Goldman
- Markus Allen
- Kevin Donlin
- Harmony Major
- Kunle Olomofe
- Wes Blaylock and many more
Now, I'm sure you can see why we titled this resource "Million
Dollar Emails". Together these emails have produced much, much
more than $1,000,000.00 in sales. This collection of winning emails
covers examples from multi-national corporations all the way down
to a small, local "mom and pop" Mexican restaurant. That way you'll
be sure to find a model to use for your own business.
Listen, these are not theories.
By carefully studying these real world examples, you'll be on
your way to creating your own winning email. Imagine, once you've
created your own moneymaker - there's practically nothing left
to do but click, send and make money!
But, there's more still…
Here's What Else You'll Discover Inside This Unique Reference
- The art of getting no complaints or spam accusations
We already talked about why spamming (or even being accused)
is a recipe for disaster.
- The simple psychological trigger to huge double-digit response
rates (you won't want to send out another email without using
this technique).
- 7 little-known online (and offline) ways to massively increase
your opt-in list.
- What to write in the subject line so your message gets
opened and acted on.
According to eMarketer, Americans get an average of 15.2 email
messages a day (and that number continues to rise) so unless
your email's subject line is compelling - your message wind
up in the trash faster than you can blink. (Ouch!)
- How to nourish your email list so recipients look forward
to every email.
- How to make your winning emails do double and triple duty
(wait until you see this one).
- The simple question that resulted in a massive 38% response
rate and much, much more…
Don't Spend Another Minute Struggling to Come Up With Your
Own Powerful Emails Without This Resource At Your Side
Never again pound your head against the wall trying to figure
out what to say in your next email pitch. Inside this new ebook
is your chance to meticulously study some of the best email messages
on the planet. Find out what makes them work and how you can use
the same formulas for your own messages.
Okay, by now you might be wondering…
Why Would I Practically Give Away This
Super Valuable Resource For Just $9-95?
Well, realize that this collection of market proven emails could
easily sell for thousands of dollars (remember, one email alone
brought in over $400,000.00). The fact is, if you asked a top
direct response copywriter to create an email campaign - you'd
be charged in the neighborhood of $500.00 to $1,500.00 (or more).
So at bare bones minimum you're getting thousands and thousands
of dollars worth of powerful emails at your disposal.
But I'm not going to charge you anywhere near that amount. In
fact, as I mentioned right upfront your total investment for this
jam-packed ebook is just $9.95. (No, that's not a misprint!)
The truth is, I really created this resource for myself. You
see, for several years I've collected examples of winning sales
letters, display ads, mailing pieces, etc in 2 huge boxes. In
fact, any good copywriter will tell you they always keep an "idea
file" or "swipe file". So I thought, why couldn't I do the same
with emails?
I could and then it hit me that other people might also be interested.
It's true, this is the kind of resource I would have done just
about anything to get my hands on and it would save me hours and
hours of research and from making countless mistakes. (I would
have paid at least a hundred dollars for a resource like this.)
My Marketing Test With A Twist
I know I could easily charge $50, $70 or even $99 for this resource
and it would still be a huge bargain. But as part of a marketing
test I wanted to price it where nearly anyone can afford to take
advantage of this incredible resource and see what happens.
Plus, I figured if I gave you a great bargain now, you'll continue
buying from me.
Figure at the low, low price of $9-95, you can easily make back
your investment with the first email campaign you run. But there's
another BIG bonus I'm going to include if you act right away that
is sure to pay you back in spades (that's the twist!)…
Free Resale Rights - You Keep 100% of The Money!
Yes, you read that correctly. You keep 100%! I want you to succeed
on the Internet and one of the easiest and profitable ways is
to sell information products just like this ebook. That's why
I'm letting you market and sell the "Million Dollar Emails" ebook!
It's better than any affiliate program that pays you a measly
25%, 35%, or even the generous ones that give you 60%. With your
investment in this ebook you'll get complete distribution and
resale rights so you'll keep all the money!
That means you can sell "Million Dollar Emails" or give it away.
Use it as a free bonus to get people to subscribe to your Ezine.
Bundle it with any other offers. Or whatever you want to do, it's
your choice.
Not only are you getting a ton of incredible emails to model,
study and learn from - but also get the opportunity to make money
from it right away. Imagine, the first copy of "Million Dollar
Emails" you sell - you'll make back your money!
Now, please don't get me wrong. I'm not going to feed you some
B.S. that you'll be selling hundreds of these in a day. I don't
think that's realistic.
But, I do think you could easily sell a couple every month with
very little effort (and probably more than that when I tell you
all about the…
Proven Advertising Tools
To Help You Sell More - All For Free!
And it keeps getting better. Not only am I giving you the complete
resale and redistribution rights to "Million Dollar Emails" but
I'm also giving you an entire arsenal of selling tools.
You'll get everything you need to set up and sell this resource
from your web site, where you keep all the profits!
You'll get:
The proven "Million Dollar Emails" sales letter to post on
your web site.
- Professionally designed web page template.
- Sample ezine or newsletter ads for use in online classifieds,
ezines and newsletters.
All you have to do is 'plug-in' what you're given and you could
be taking orders and profiting from this very same ebook in just
a few days. Don't take my word for it - check out what a few people
had to say about reselling our last project similar to this:
"I can't believe how easy it was to sell your Autoresponder
Magic. I sold over 150 copies of it in a few days, to
a fairly weak and small list which I have only recently
began to build. Amazing. You must have hit the price point,
or the title, or the sales letter, right on - or all 3.
This is certainly, and obviously, what people WANT to
Scott Covert
"Autoresponder Magic literally sells itself! I really
can't believe how easily and fast this ebook sold when
I first started marketing it. Plus the sales continue
to come in today. I have sold over 190 copies of this
ebook and that is just counting front end sales. Yanik...you
have a real winner here!"
Kris Stringham
But there's still more...
Remember, I said I believe in over delivering so I'm also throwing
in 2 more bonus sections inside the ebook:
Bonus Section #1:
101 Winning Email Subject Lines
Smart marketers know their headlines are the most important or
any ad or sales letter - same goes for your subject line (that's
the headline). Prospects decide to open or trash your email in
just a split second based on your subject line.
Bonus Section #2:
Successful Email Checklist
You know a pilot never takes off without a flight checklist and
you'll never send out another email without referring to this
powerful checklist. Right before you are ready to click SEND -
go over this checklist to make sure you're getting maximum results
and not making any critical mistakes.
NEW...Bonus #3:
Seven Videos To Give You A Jump Start
I made these brand new video downloads specifically
for the Million Dollar Emails package. Watch them and you'll be
in business by the end of the day!
Here's what you'll discover:
- How To Download Your Free Web Site That Comes With Million
Dollar Emails!
- How To Instantly Get Set Up To Accept Credit Cards On Your
Web Site...For Free!
- How to Get Free Software From Microsoft So You Can Edit
And Personalize Your New Web Site...In Less Than Five Minutes!
- How To Turn Your New Website Into A 24 Hour A Day Money
- How To Publish Your New Website To The Internet Free!
These new videos leave no question unanswered! You get step-by-step
instructions that will have your new Million Dollar Emails web
site set up and taking orders by the end of the day. And if you
need an extra little "bribe"...
You Get The Reprint And Resale Rights To The Seven Videos
Too! For Free!
And there is still another reason to take advantage of this opportunity
- it's our…
"100% Love-It-Or-Leave-It Guarantee"
Your success in using these powerful email examples is completely
guaranteed. In fact, here's my 100% Love-It-Or-Leave-It' Guarantee:
If you're not absolutely ecstatic and thrilled when you
get this ebook - for any reason at all - we'll cheerfully
refund your money. No headaches, no hassles and no weasel
clauses. You've got one full year to check it out! |
Is that fair or what?
There is absolutely no risk, whatsoever on your part. The burden
to deliver is entirely on me.
Look at it this way - if you're going to spend more than $24-95
to promote your business this year - you owe it to yourself to
get this resource right now!
Here's How To Get Started Right Now With Instant Access
To get your copy of "Million Dollar Emails" and get in on these
incredible bonuses - just
click here! You'll get instant access.
If you're ready to discover how to make a fortune with permission
email…to effortlessly create cash surges on demand….and even to
get going reselling this ebook for ALL the profit...
here to take action.
You simply couldn't ask for a better deal!
Geoff Wilkins
P.S. Today…you can earn thousands with a simple email campaign
that costs you less than a Tuna sandwich. If you can send out
simple emails you can tap into the enormous profit potential email
marketing has for your business.
P.P.S. IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to the overwhelming response coming
in to this offer, the free resale and redistribution rights Mega
bonus could end at anytime. Wait too long, and it may be too late.
now through our Secure Server, and get instant access!