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How to use the harmonics?

The programs are best used with headphones in a comfortable environment.  Lower the lights if you can.  Set the volume level to eliminate external noise but not so loud that it irritates.  Do not use whilst driving or operating machinery.

Do not try to do anything whilst listening to the harmonic. At around 8 - 10 minutes you should have reached your target brainwave entrainment

If you find the sounds irritating or causing headaches it means that you are trying to hard. Take a break and try again later. The more you practice the more benefit you will get from the products.

Using the program for less than 8 minutes will not work.

If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed (unless you are using Energizer!). Take a break and begin again.

You may use the products as often as you like. Using a combination of products is also acceptable. 

Some of the harmonics require extra input from the user and these are listed below. If your title is not listed then all you need to do is use them as instructed above. There are no special instructions just relax and let the frequencies do their job.

The special use harmonics are covered in more detail below.  Simply click on the title for extra information:

Chakra Tuner


Endorphin Release

Stress Management

Instant Meditation

Increase IQ

Speed Learning

Om Meditation


Lucid Dreaming


Power Nap

Chi Generator

Astral Projection

Past Life Regression


Remote Viewing


Out of Body Experience

Shaman Wave



Manifestation Series




Chakra Tuner
You can listen to each chakra individually as required or listen to them in sequence.( the sequence should run from root to crown or muladhara to sahasrara) 

It is best to listen to this CD with headphones, although it is not absolutely necessary. 

Each harmonic will stimulate the brain and cause a harmonic resonance in each Chakra in turn. You do not need to visualize or use a mantra. Relax as much as you can to get maximum benefits.

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program.  


Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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The energizer program works with high level Beta Harmonics. You can listen to this program on headphones any time or anywhere. It will temporarily raise your level of alertness.

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program.  



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Endorphin Release
This program should be used at the onset of a craving - using the headphones, play the harmonic until the craving disappears.  No darkened room or relaxed environment is necessary when in use because it is a beta program.

There is no harm using a number of programs, or the same program, more than once in the same day. 

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program.  


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Stress Management
This program works predominantly in alpha. The best results will be achieved by listening to the harmonic with headphones in a relaxed position; preferably in a darkened room. Maximum effect will be after 15 minutes of use. 

If you don't have instant success keep using the program. You will relax more and more with use. 

This program is passive use - all you need to do is listen to the sound, it will relax you automatically. If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 


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Instant Meditation 
This is a combination of low end alpha waves and creates meditation states after 10 - 15 minutes. Best results are gained using headphones in a relaxed environment. You can use your own Mantra or visualisation with these programs, but it is not necessary.

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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Increase IQ
It has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt that performance on IQ tests can be improved by listening to binaural sound in the alpha range.  This harmonic should be used as much as possible prior to taking an IQ test.

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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Speed Learning
The program should allow you to be in a very relaxed state and should attune your mind for maximum learning.  Make sure you are in a relaxed environment.  

Using this harmonic you will be able to concentrate for longer periods of time, therefore studying for longer.  You should also have better retention of the information studied as you have been in the alpha state throughout and therefore less distracted.

The pulsing effect is a technique developed in Eastern Europe and referenced in the book 'Superlearning' by Schroeder and Ostrander.

If you have the facility to record some of the words, formulae or translation using the program as a background this will improve your learning speed.  Simply listen to the harmonic through headphones and play your recorded material in the background from your stereo.

As you listen to the recorded material use your relaxed state to create visual images and associate them to specific words and their meaning.

Try to measure the increase in learning ability that you experience. It may be slow at first but will speed up as you gain confidence in the system.


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Om Meditation
Using high theta frequency waves, this harmonic creates a deeper state to Instant Meditation.

Best results are gained using headphones in a relaxed environment. You can use your own Mantra or visualisation with this program, but it is not necessary.

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.

This program will help get the user used to staying awake in deeper theta programs listed below.


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The telepath harmonic is best used in a relaxed environment using headphones. It is best to work with a partner who can act as a sender or receiver.

Initially, you or your partner can use a picture to project. The mind communicates with pictures far more easily than with words.

Telepathy tends to work better when people are close friends (and to some extent tuned in to each other).

Visual imagery should either be a picture that you look at (if you are testing the communication with a receiver this can be any picture) or a picture in your mind (something that you did together that was outstanding and filled with emotion).

To start the exercise, decide who is going to send and who will receive - and whether the projection will be an actual picture or a picture in their mind.  Ensure you are both in a darkened and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  Both the participants should listen to the harmonic through headphones.  

When both participants are ready, the sender should then start to concentrate on the image. 

There is no harm using a number of programs, or the same program, more than once in the same day. 


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Lucid Dreaming
This harmonic can be used just before you go to sleep. You should concentrate on remembering your dreams and becoming lucid in your dream.

The best results for lucid dreaming are achieved by waking up earlier in the morning and using the harmonic to allow yourself to drift off to sleep. It will also help to ask the question regularly (whilst awake) - "am I dreaming".

Lucid dreaming can take a lot of effort to work. It is definitely an experience worth the hard work. 

There are no spoken prompts on this program.

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

The program can also be used to induce WILD ( wake induced lucid dreams). With practice the entrainment will allow you to maintain conscious awareness as you fall asleep. 


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This program uses high frequency theta waves. It can be used through the day and will cause your sleep cycle to deepen through the night.  

This will allow you to get more restorative sleep early in the sleep cycle.  

It can also be used to help you get to sleep if you have insomnia.

If you are tired whilst listening to this harmonic, you will fall asleep.  

To use this program to reduce your sleep requirements you will need to set your alarm progressively earlier  so that you slowly train your body to expect less sleep.( use the sleep program through the day to power nap if needed)

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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Power Nap
This program will induce a deep theta pattern very quickly and will allow you to sleep for 10 - 15 minutes.  This has been proved to catch up with sleep and increase your performance during the day.  

This program also works very well in conjunction with the 'Sleep' program. 

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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Chi Generator
This program concentrates on raising your energy levels slowly from within, in the same way Tai Chi and Qui Gong will do with practice. 

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

No visualisation or chanting is required.

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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Astral Projection
Many users experience a change of consciousness the first time they use these programs. For others it may take time to learn to control the sleep borderline state. It depends on your experience. At the borderline sleep state that the program induces there is a point where your consciousness shifts.

At this point it is possible to fall asleep.  With experience and practice you will manage to stay just awake.  In this state, images will flow freely through your mind's eye.  You can then project into, and follow, these images at will.

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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Past Life Regression
This program will help you to reach a very deep state that will improve your ability to visualise your past life.  You can use this program independently or together with a guided meditation to help you through the process of past life regression.

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones - once visual imagery starts to come through, simply guide yourself through your past lives.  

Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

When listening to this harmonic you are going into a very deep state and it is possible to fall asleep.  With experience and practice you will manage to stay just awake.  

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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It is clearly possible to have dreams of the future. Play this harmonic just before you go to sleep. The main limitation is that there is no real way of differentiating the clairvoyant dreams from standard dreams until they happen. This program has been used to have clairvoyant dreams of lottery wins and sporting events but it does not happen regularly.

Over time your general intuition in waking life will improve.

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  

Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

When listening to this harmonic you are going into a very deep state and it is possible to fall asleep.  With experience and practice you will manage to stay just awake.  

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.



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Remote Viewing
The program uses both theta and beta harmonics. It will accompany any established RV method you have learned.

If you are new to remote viewing you can start by getting a friend to conceal some pictures inside envelopes. Using one of the envelopes as a target, listen to the RV harmonic and record all imagery that you receive onto a tape recorder. Compare your recordings with the target. Once you achieve some mastery of this technique you could move on to using coordinates or map references. Use the same technique for recording your imagery. 

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  

Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

When listening to this harmonic you are going into a very deep state and it is possible to fall asleep.  With experience and practice you will manage to stay just awake.  

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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The first 10 minutes will bring you to a very low theta level. You may fall asleep if you are not use to controlling this level. You may feel that someone has entered the room at this stage; this is normal at these frequencies. The harmonic will then slowly fade away leaving only a white noise (a hiss or sound like under water). Any message will come through this spectrum frequency as has been recorded with electronic voice phenomenon (EVP)

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  

Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

When listening to this harmonic you are going into a very deep state and it is possible to fall asleep.  With experience and practice you will manage to stay just awake.  

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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Out of Body (OOBE)

The OOBE program increases the level of delta wave activity in the brain and this will unfortunately make the borderline state more difficult to control and you are more likely to fall asleep.  With experience and practice you will manage to stay just awake.  

True Out of Body separation is difficult to achieve but is possible with practice.

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  

Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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Shaman Wave, Delta and Epsilon (Advanced Level)
It is strongly recommended to practice at controlling your theta borderline sleep state before getting the best from the Shaman, Delta and Epsilon programs. We recommend using 'Astral Projection' for this.

Once you have mastered these states you can progress toward mastering Shaman, Delta and Epsilon in the same way. 

You do not need to do anything in addition to listening to the sound in this program through headphones.  

Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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Manifestation Series

As the frequencies relax and entrain the mind to the correct pattern imagine the exact thing that you want to happen/manifest. Imagine this in as much detail as possible, using as many senses as possible. 

Ensure you are in a dark and relaxed environment with no interruptions.  If you feel no effect after 15 minutes the entrainment has failed.  Take a break and begin again. 

Note:  This program ends abruptly to allow people to return to a normal state quickly.


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Last modified: Monday May 29, 2006.